Srinagar rapsoldiers

Srinagar rapsoldiers
The revolutionary, mc kash,mista shais,renegade,mcyoungblood,haze kay.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Graffiti war continues between pro-taliban writers and anti-taliban writers in kashmir.

Graffiti war an alien term you cannot throw around kashmir but thats what kashmiri home-grown graffiti group in collaboration with artists like ghalib have declared  a street graffiti war with those who write about talibanisationof kashmir from pak taliban. Below these  photos of anti-taliban graffiti growing are viral on internet since these types of tags appeared on walls. 

"We dont hide and write this bullshit on walls,now people are taking those morons and us in a same category " - ghalib an independent graffiti artist who has started the drums of such paint war and further added 

"when i look at these writings i wonder how these writings are done with in a such a high security area  and how people allow this anti-social writings on their walls but when we do a good portrait or a good graffiti piece i have to think hundred times before doing that COZ people dont understand. This is not good and this graff war will decide the fate of real graff scene in kashmir " the same views were agreed by el-horia also 

According to the artist's resources this war is likely going to be continued............